Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 15 Mei 2011
Cara menghilangkan keringat berbau tidak sedap
Sedikit informasi bagi para pembaca yang budiman disini saya mau sedikit memberikan tip untuk menghilangkan keringat tidak sedap dengan pijat refleksi..namun anda harus mencari sendiri titik titik yang harus dipijat( bisa dicari di gambar titik refleksi yang banyak ) intinya dalam memijat usahakan kristal / benjolan yang dipijat pisa normal kembali dan tidak perlu buru buru..
inilah titik titik yang harus anda pijat
1.pijat daerah refleksi kelenjar dibawah otak.
2. Kelenjar teroid
3. Kelenjar parateroid
4. Kelenjar pangkreas
5. Kelenjar andrenal
6. Kelenjar reproduksi
7. Kelenjar Prostad
8. Kelenjar getah bening
Silahkan minum ramuan herbal
Daun bluntas ,Rimpang kapulogo , akar dari akarwangi , kaki kuda daunnya , buah kepal , daun sirih
obat oles.
oleskan kapur sirih di ketiak sehabis mandi
kurangi makan bawang
demikian mudah mudahan bermanfaat
Sedikit informasi bagi para pembaca yang budiman disini saya mau sedikit memberikan tip untuk menghilangkan keringat tidak sedap dengan pijat refleksi..namun anda harus mencari sendiri titik titik yang harus dipijat( bisa dicari di gambar titik refleksi yang banyak ) intinya dalam memijat usahakan kristal / benjolan yang dipijat pisa normal kembali dan tidak perlu buru buru..
inilah titik titik yang harus anda pijat
1.pijat daerah refleksi kelenjar dibawah otak.
2. Kelenjar teroid
3. Kelenjar parateroid
4. Kelenjar pangkreas
5. Kelenjar andrenal
6. Kelenjar reproduksi
7. Kelenjar Prostad
8. Kelenjar getah bening
Silahkan minum ramuan herbal
Daun bluntas ,Rimpang kapulogo , akar dari akarwangi , kaki kuda daunnya , buah kepal , daun sirih
obat oles.
oleskan kapur sirih di ketiak sehabis mandi
kurangi makan bawang
demikian mudah mudahan bermanfaat
Jumat, 22 April 2011
TIGA TERAPI ALTERNATIF adalah panduan 3 macam pengobatan yang cukup baik yang kadang diluar dugaan pakar kesehatan.terutama
1. REFLEXOLOGY atau dkenal dengan REFLEKSI yaitu ilmu pengobatan dari Cina ribuan tahun yang silam sudah dikenal sebagai pengobatan yang handal.
2. Ramuan dari tumbuh tumbuhan yang sudah terbukti mempunyai hasiat dan tak ada efek samping.
3. Menjaga pola makan yang sehat
Dari 3 ramuan ini bisa untuk mengobati dengan baik dari segala macam penyakit
Dari tiga formula ini penulis ingin membagi bagikan pengetahuan sekedarnya dan mudah mudahan bisa membantu/mengurangi keluhan pada penyakit yang diderita
Dalam tulisan ini saya akan memulai dari gambar dan keterangan serta fungsi dari titik titik yang perlu di pijat (Tunggu selanjutnya)
dalam bahasa inggris
THREE ALTERNATIVE THERAPY are 3 kinds of treatment guidelines is good enough that sometimes unexpected kesehatan.terutama expert
1. REFLECTIONS Reflexology or dkenal with the science of Chinese medicine thousands of years ago was known as a reliable treatment.
2. Potion of growing plants that have been shown to have hasiat and no side effects.
3. Maintain a healthy diet
From 3 to treat this concoction could well from all sorts of diseases
Of the three formulas is the author wanted to share a modest share knowledge and hopefully can help / reduce complaints of illness
In this paper I will start from the picture and description and functions of the points that need to be in massage(wait next)
1. REFLEXOLOGY atau dkenal dengan REFLEKSI yaitu ilmu pengobatan dari Cina ribuan tahun yang silam sudah dikenal sebagai pengobatan yang handal.
2. Ramuan dari tumbuh tumbuhan yang sudah terbukti mempunyai hasiat dan tak ada efek samping.
3. Menjaga pola makan yang sehat
Dari 3 ramuan ini bisa untuk mengobati dengan baik dari segala macam penyakit
Dari tiga formula ini penulis ingin membagi bagikan pengetahuan sekedarnya dan mudah mudahan bisa membantu/mengurangi keluhan pada penyakit yang diderita
Dalam tulisan ini saya akan memulai dari gambar dan keterangan serta fungsi dari titik titik yang perlu di pijat (Tunggu selanjutnya)
dalam bahasa inggris
THREE ALTERNATIVE THERAPY are 3 kinds of treatment guidelines is good enough that sometimes unexpected kesehatan.terutama expert
1. REFLECTIONS Reflexology or dkenal with the science of Chinese medicine thousands of years ago was known as a reliable treatment.
2. Potion of growing plants that have been shown to have hasiat and no side effects.
3. Maintain a healthy diet
From 3 to treat this concoction could well from all sorts of diseases
Of the three formulas is the author wanted to share a modest share knowledge and hopefully can help / reduce complaints of illness
In this paper I will start from the picture and description and functions of the points that need to be in massage(wait next)
Senin, 18 April 2011
HOW HEALTHY thinking
WE MUST BE TOLD THAT WE WANT FROM WHERE AND WHERE AND WHAT ARE GOALS WE CREATED AND FOR WHAT WE CREATED AND HOW TO COMPLETE HIS CAN BE WITH THE CONCEPT IS SELARAS NAH WE COME FROM AND WHO CREATED where we ARE CREATING WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ..? nah would not want you to know, find one who knows can tell us is the religion .. of course we will find that most major religions best and most correct please studied comparative religion ... what saratnya use the eyes ears and your hearts with true do not be fooled and do not cheat to be honest ... ok?? who clearly use a macro concept because we can not use local concepts for our purposes it is a macro way how your brain teaser so in tune with your heart in the right way of thinking just and holy, please try first by conducting several pilot experiments so that we know how big our ability to investigate and immediately try to keep practicing then you will see great results which will lead to a benchmark of true / true religion's most .... ok
how do we see?
how do we hear?
how do we think?
how do we use the heart?
Have our hearts are functioning properly?
so first we went on again tomorrow
WE MUST BE TOLD THAT WE WANT FROM WHERE AND WHERE AND WHAT ARE GOALS WE CREATED AND FOR WHAT WE CREATED AND HOW TO COMPLETE HIS CAN BE WITH THE CONCEPT IS SELARAS NAH WE COME FROM AND WHO CREATED where we ARE CREATING WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ..? nah would not want you to know, find one who knows can tell us is the religion .. of course we will find that most major religions best and most correct please studied comparative religion ... what saratnya use the eyes ears and your hearts with true do not be fooled and do not cheat to be honest ... ok?? who clearly use a macro concept because we can not use local concepts for our purposes it is a macro way how your brain teaser so in tune with your heart in the right way of thinking just and holy, please try first by conducting several pilot experiments so that we know how big our ability to investigate and immediately try to keep practicing then you will see great results which will lead to a benchmark of true / true religion's most .... ok
how do we see?
how do we hear?
how do we think?
how do we use the heart?
Have our hearts are functioning properly?
so first we went on again tomorrow
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